但是现在馆长也来不及考虑这个事情,他只能上前对着维尔纳说道:“Mr. Werner, why don't you wait a minute, and I'll go and get you another translator.(维尔纳先生,要不你们稍等一下,我马上去帮你们换一位翻译。)”
馆长见维尔纳也不搭理自己,脸色泛着一丝尴尬,还是肯齐出声说道:“There is no need to trouble the curator, we have sent someone to the embassy to ask for an interpreter, and we will arrange the rest of the schedule by ourselves. As for the future meeting, you can just e to the embassy to inform us after you have arranged the time.(不用麻烦馆长了,我们已经让人去大使馆请了翻译了,后面的行程我们自己来安排就好了,至于后面的见面,你们安排好时间之后来大使馆通知我们就好了。)”
馆长:“How can you ask yourself to translate......(怎么能让你们自己请翻译呢......)”
不等馆长把话说完,就听见身后传来声音,“Dude, I brought him back.(哥,我把人给带回来了。)”
馆长就看见是肯尼带着人回来了,肯尼到肯齐和维尔纳的身边抱怨道:“Brother, why didn't you tell me when you came in? I thought you were gone. Fortunately, I came in and asked, and the translator this time happened to be someone sent by our pany before.(哥,你们进来怎么不跟我说一声呢,害的我以为你们走了,还好我进来问了一下,这次的翻译正好是我们公司以前派过来的人。)”
肯齐点点头,“Well, Werner, where are we going now? You always said you wanted to visit the capital of China. Now that you're here, where do you want to go?(好,维尔纳,我们现在去哪里呢,你不是一直说想来华国的首都玩玩吗?现在来了,你有什么想去的地方?)”
维尔纳语气恹恹的说道:“Today I am not in the mood, we will talk later, back to the place, I want to go back to rest for a while, this afternoon we will go where to play.(今天我没有什么心情,后面再说吧,回住的地方吧,我想回去休息一会儿,下午再说去哪里玩吧。)”
那位被带过来的翻译一脸懵的看着肯尼和肯齐两兄弟,“Where are we going now, Sir?(先生,那现在是要去哪里呢?)”
肯齐对着翻译说道:“Why don't you go back and pack your things, and you'll stay with us for the time being, and we'll pay for the room, and we'll call you if we need you this afternoon.(你先回去收拾一下东西吧,最近这段时间你就跟我们住在一个地方吧,住宿费我们来付,下午要是需要你的话会来喊你的。)”
肯齐再对着馆长说道:“Please let these students go back first, and we don't need their help anymore.(麻烦馆长了,这些同学你就让他们先回去吧,后面我们也不需要他们的帮助了。)”
肯尼看着前面维尔纳略显颓废的背影,语气稀奇的说:“Dude, what happened to Werner? Weren't you having fun just now? Why aren't you so interested right now?(哥,维尔纳是怎么了?刚刚不还开心的吗?怎么这会儿兴趣不高的样子?)”
肯齐幸灾乐祸的说:“You may not believe it, but he was rejected by a girl again, the same girl.(说出来你可能不信,他又被女孩给拒绝了,还是同一个女孩。)”
肯尼眼睛瞪大:“It is Han?(是寒?)”
肯齐点点头,肯尼见状无语的说:“Didn't the girl already say she didn't like him? Is he still haunting her? That doesn't sound like Werner(之前这女孩不是已经说了不