第38章 小妹结婚了(二)

琳琅视角 笔名视角 1581 字 3个月前

When they played I'd sing along

It made me smile

Those were such happy times

And not so long ago

How I wondered where they'd gone

But they're back again

Just like a long lost friend

All the songs I loved so well

Every sha la la la

Every wo o wo o

Still shines

Every shing a ling a ling

That they're starting to sing's

So fine


《Yesterday Once More》表达了怀旧和对过去美好时光的追忆。这首歌通过旋律和歌词,表达了作者对童年美好回忆和珍贵友情的怀念,同时也传递出一种淡淡的忧伤和轻快的感觉。
